Who The Fug Are You?: More Courtney Peldon

Courtney, give up. I don't care what that guy told you to get you to sleep with him -- you're not getting the part of Jeannie.

This outfit is 360-degrees of fug. The decision was never about whether or not it's bad, but which part of it is the most wrong: The tye-dyed fabric, the fact that it's jumpsuit-esque, the fact that the pants blouse mid-calf, the fact that the picture makes it seem like there's a chance she's wearing light stockings with her open-toed shoes, the limpness of her hair, or the pink lanyard thing dangling from her skull?

This looks like it was made for someone ten inches shorter than she is. There's some uncomfortable pulling and tightness in the crotch region.

Here's a thought, Courtney: JUST STOP SHOWING UP. It's much easier.

And don't even get me started on her sister's dress. It makes my eyes throb.