The Truth About Fugs and Dogs

Can someone please explain to me what happened to Janeane Garofalo?

And yes, that is her. Can't quite believe it myself. The short, short bangs? The bad, bad hair? The skinny, skinny arms? What is going on here? I read on Gawker that she's been sighted in and around the greater New York area looking like suck, and here's photographic proof.

I mean, she's always dressed like a homeless bike messenger and I guess I should be glad that she's not doing the hardcore Fake 'N' Bake anymore -- remember, about a year and a half ago, when she was the color of a clementine? -- but now she just looks terrible all around.

I remember reading, years ago, that she'd rustled up an eating disorder around the time of Reality Bites, but she certainly looks much smaller now than she did then. And with the weird, unflattering hair and the aforementioned tendency to dress like Darlene Conner...I sort of suspect there's something going on there. You know, with her body image. In that I think it's...not so good. Admittedly, this is sort of her schtick: she doesn't care how she looks, she wears whatever she wants blah blah blah, and I get that, and it would be weird if she showed up to a premiere in a shiny little Gucci number. But, for all her posturing about not caring about how she looks, she seems to be putting a lot of energy into making herself look bad. If I weren't so totally cold and dead inside, I'd say it was sort of sad. But because my heart is cast in stone and filled with coal, I'll just say this: Janeane? See a professional. No, I mean about your hair.


Unknown said...

Gosh, this IS a sad new look for her. Your article is hilarious! I don't think you're being too harsh; you speak for all the fans: We want our cute, rounder, dark haired darling back.