Saturday Night Fug

So, you know how some people age really well -- either naturally, or with a little help from their friendly neighborhood plastic surgeon -- and some people, well, really don't?

Jan Hooks has taken a recent and somewhat alarming turn for the latter.

She's only 47!

Comediennes, a bit of advice. I know, because you are "funny," many of you feel that you must only be photographed making "funny" faces. Please stop. We know you are funny because we have witnessed you being funny. [Well, theoretically, anyway. I don't recall Jan Hooks being particularly side-splitting, but I also don't recall watching much of her stint on SNL] You don't have to create a visual cue with your face to remind us that you are known for being humorous. It's like the comedy equivalent of Zoolander's "Blue Steel," except way more off-putting. As my mother would say, "just look normal." Because I'm scared that the old adage has come true, and Jan Hooks's face really has frozen like that.