Here On Fug

Here's the thing: Josh Hartnett is really, really cute.

So....why? Why would he do this to himself?

I must admit, I'm not a fan of mustaches on men in my generation, period. A mustache looks right on my Dad. It looks good on Tom Selleck. But I feel like it looks...creepy...on a boy more or less my own age. Scuffy? Okay. A mustache? Cut it out. Or off. Because people don't want to kiss you when you've got that...thing...around your mouth.

Not to mention the fact that, if you're going to grow a mustache, grow a fucking mustache. Commit to the mustache! Get the little combs and brushes! Grow it, groom it, own it. This wispy little thing looks like it could be eliminated after a brisk session with a sturdy napkin. I've seen more impressive mustaches in the Jolen Creme bleach aisle of Walgreens.

Go hard or go home with the facial hair, Josh.