Alexa Fuga: The Fuggening

Founding Fugee Alexa Vega makes a not particularly triumphant return to the pages of Go Fug Yourself thanks to the pants she chose to wear to the premiere of Hilary Duff's sure to be amazing film epic Raise Your Voice:

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The shirt? Cute. The shoes? Cute. The hair? Cute. The... pants? Can we even call them pants? Because they look like they used to be jeans, until her ride to the movie broke down by the side of the LA River and she decided to roll them up and wade to the premiere, but she misjudged how high she needed to roll said jeans, or something, so they got all wet and she had to just shove them over her kneecaps and trudge the rest of the way through the sludge, and because she couldn't live with the feeling of Wet Jeans slapping against her leg for the rest of the night, she decided to leave them like that, in all their jean/knicker/demin pantaloon-y glory.

That was not a good call on her part.