VMA Fug Carpet: Jimmy Fallon

One can always count on Jimmy Fallon to bring a sense of ignorance to various proceedings. In this case, he appears not to know that he is at a fairly formal occasion:

Although he at least confortingly confirms that he knows where he is geographically -- unless that shirt was an accident -- it seems Jimmy Fallon, despite having been to numerous awards shows in the past, is laboring under the belief that he's never been to an awards show in the past. He looks bemused by all the glad rags. He's all, "Phew -- I was worried someone else would be wearing the same Gap khakis and t-shirt as I am. Thank GOD everyone else shopped somewhere much nicer than the gift shop at the Miami airport."

Jimmy, have you ever met a suit? Unless you are a rapper and/or have a posse of intimidating physical and membership size, then you're not supposed to put on any old crazy shit and call it an outfit -- hell, ninety percent of the aforementioned rappers/posse-bringers outdressed you, and that includes the many who wore oversized shirts.