There's Something About Fugly

And Cameron wonders why Justin won't marry her?*

Maybe because her years of hard-living [read: alleged drug use] have caught up with her, and she's looking more and more like an elderly Madonna 2.0 [read: Esther]? Except Madonna would never wear a side ponytail under a fedora.

I can only assume that Cammie is suffering from another outbreak of her infamous acne [I can't wait for the next article in People magazine: "Cameron's Tragic Battle With the T-Zone"], and is covering it up with layers and layers of power, thus explaining her alarmingly chalk-y complection.

Nothing, however, explains the eye-liner.

Except maybe the [ALLEGED!] drugs.

*Since posting this, we have been informed that this picture is rather old. It was forwarded to us by a reader. Overcome by the fug, I didn't check the dates on the photo, and it was used. Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. We are now therefore dutifully noting that Cameron, apparently, has a long history of fugliness and looked old before her time before we even realized it. However, it must be said that this purple fedora and ponytail probably have not factored into Justin Timberlake's ALLEGED reticence to ring her up. We do, however, stand by the ALLEGED rumors of ALLEGED drug use.