New York Fugshion Week: Anna Wintour

Anna Wintour is the top Vogue editrix. So you'd expect Anna Wintour, being as she works at a fashion magazine --and because she's the titular Satan in The Devil Wears Prada -- to dress very well. But you would apparently be wrong.

It seems Ms. Wintour has taken a job at Fogue (a.k.a. Fugly Vogue), and is trying to dress the part by wearing no fewer than three garments on her upper body alone: A t-shirt, a thin and messy black cardigan, and some sort of nylon half-sleeved jacket, all of which are different lengths and styles. Her skirt looks like she accidentally brushed up against some wet graffiti. She is giving off the impression that being fashionable and trendy equals putting on as many things from your closet as you can find, all at once.

Apparently the sunglasses are her trademark. Okay. Maybe their presence will dupe people into thinking everything is normal with this outfit, nothing to see here, fug along...